Collection: Meat Boxes

Welcome to Fferm Carreg Farm: Where Nature Meets Flavour

  • Premium, pasture-fed finish beef with exceptional marbling and rich flavours

  • Welsh cross Lleyn sheep producing tender and succulent grass fed finish lamb cuts

Nestled above the picturesque Porthor Beach, Fferm Carreg Farm stands as a beacon of sustainable agriculture and a testament to the beauty of Welsh landscapes. Here, we proudly raise our cattle and sheep on a healthy, grass-based system, ensuring the finest quality meats for your table. Our philosophy revolves around sustainable harmony with nature, embracing regenerative agriculture to enrich the environment while producing exceptional meats. 

Indulge in the rich flavours of Wales with our carefully curated selection of beef and sheep products, each bite reflecting the idyllic pastures and pure sea air that grace our farm. Our swift farm-to-table process ensures maximum freshness and preserves the true essence of our offerings. Elevate your culinary journey and savour some taste of the Llyn Peninsula - Choose Fferm Carreg for quality meat, sustainability, compassion, and the undeniable taste of natures bounty.

Meat Boxes